Of Regrets

Sometimes I do wonder how someone could change so drastically that they have turned into what they hated the most. Hypocrisy? Probably. I regret what is happening at the moment. Well, as the saying goes, the longer you know someone, the more ugly sides of the person that you would see. I've been diligently trying to be a good friend, giving advises and such but I get repaid in the worst manner. You know, this is why I have people phobia. That is just the common behaviour of human beings. They ignore you and even hurt you after they've found something new. Everytime I say that I cannot and will never open my heart to anyone again, I find myself being lured into empty promises of friendships. I'm giving up - I've had it. C'est la vie again... Life is difficult eh?


Selba said...

Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Well, I guess human is still human which means that you can not expect them to be perfect thus, don't trust people easily or depend on them. This is the simple tip, in order not feeling disappointed or hurt in the future ;)