Of 2cents

I find it rather disappointing that bloggers now do not have much freedom to blog. It is a little (perhaps very) unfair. What is the meaning of freedom when you are not even allowed to voice out your views? Are we supposed to stay mum and to agree to everything that Big Brother says? Is this the way to be accepted by society? Or is this the way that we assume that society will accept us if we act that way. We do have the freedom to agree to disagree. We are not a society of head-nodders! Well, we might as well start writing our journals the traditional way again - in a diary! And perhaps start hoping that our diaries would be dug up and published 50 years later? I’d better start writing in my diary then... and I could be the next Anne Frank?

Later days people!

Notes: Big Brother = Character in George Orwell's fictional world in Nineteen Eighty-Four.


Mr Daha said...

who said we blogger dont have the freedom to write? just ignore them. write what u want..

ekoy said...

Mr Daha,

Well, if we were to refer to the Fed. Constitution, we actually don't have much freedom. Hehe... well, that's just my 2 cents.